
by mikaella   Feb 12, 2008

My heart is imprisoned by your thought everyday.
I never fail to get light headed when you kiss me
when the feel of your lips lingers
The warmth of your arms
seems to soothe my cold, shaking body
Yet you make me tremble
even in the warmest weather
I feared you to the point I wanted to cry.
You have the power to make me hurt,
The power to drown me in my very own tears
But I'm not scared anymore
Well not of you at least
I want so much to be your perfect girl
but all i will ever be is your perfect mistake
I love you baby with all of my pieced together heart
And i know of done some wrong
but i want to spend forever proving to you
that someday i will be the girl of your dreams
and someday you'll be able to feel the way i do
when i'm with you....
And someday i hope you can look at me and not see
a mistake,
not see all my imperfections


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  • 16 years ago

    by Tiiffaanyy

    Superb Job!

  • 16 years ago


    The truth is that it's excellent. keep it up

  • 16 years ago

    by Gness

    I like how you expressed yourself its hard doing that on here

  • 17 years ago

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    A very beautiful write. sad and very nicely written. :] a very enjoyable read. 5/5. and i espeically liked the ending. :]