
by Matt L   Feb 12, 2008

I walk to-wards that room knowing I would not come out
In a trance I walked those streets to-wards that room
Nothing but laughter the sound at my back
Cruel childish mocking laughter at me for being me

The room is dirty
So this is were they will find me this dirty shit smelling room
The roof has steel rafters

I can't afford a rope so I make it
My death a belt a bag strap a twig and a paper clip
Just big enough to fit my ugly face
Around those steel rafters it goes

I say goodbye
I have always loved you and you
Push to-wards freedom and salvation
But I fail I miss the mark the rope breaks

Another failure in a life full of them
Another reason to drink my self to sleep tonight


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  • 16 years ago

    by fallenforever

    Really sad^... oooppps got distracted

  • 16 years ago

    by fallenforever

    Wow thats really but its an exelent poem

  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    Horribley sad. great poem tho