My angel from heaven

by amber   May 18, 2004

An angel was sent
As a gift from up above
His soul so sweet
His kiss so tender
He save lives
From seeing the gates of hell
As I almost saw
But before I saw anything
An angel came and grabbed my arm
He lifted me up high in the sky
Let me see what I would be missing out on
Each image he reviled made me love him more
Everything about him was so pure
Then one evening
He flew up in the sky
I didn’t no it would be the last time
To say good-bye
As he went away I watched the sky
I could see a faint outline
Of where is plain was flying
It wasn’t until three months later
When I heard a knock on the door
And at that moment my greatest fear came true
My angel had flew up to heaven
He spread out his wings
And flew up high
Now he sits on his cloud
And watches me cry
While I think about my angel


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