I tried

by I AM YOUR FALLEN ANGLE   Feb 12, 2008

I tried to kill myself
you sat with me and wept
your so fake
I know the tears arnt real
behind your tears
inside the very core of your essence
I know that you are laughing
when i tried to kill myself
you sat and watched me die
my wrist staining the sheets with blood
you didn't try to help me
before i tried to kill myself
you had to let him in
you let him touch me
you let him take my virginity
I felt violated
unwanted, unloved
i tried to kill myself
you just sat and watched me die


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  • 17 years ago

    by DeathlyAmore

    How terrible!

    Really tragic, desolate, and depressing. I am going to take the line:
    "you let him take my virginity"
    that is a story of rape?

    I have many friends that have been raped, and most of them turn out depressed, isolated, and become petrified of human contact. I have to tell you this now, I do not know if you have gone through this. But know that you are not alone, you would be amazed of how many girls go through this. It really is sad... and I hate to think of it to...

    Stay strong, never ever give up on your social goals. Never let anyone stop you from reaching your dreams. Learn to stretch out your hand, and you will fly. Learn to take another step and you will soar. Learn to never give up, or stop, and you will be invincible...

    Never give up.
