Why she cries

by I AM YOUR FALLEN ANGLE   Feb 12, 2008

She sits there in her corner
she is so confused
emotions so messed up
she can't figure out what happened
all the years all the pain
her body is now her canvas
and her blood is the ink she will use
her mother is the reason for her pain
yet she is so clueless
she sits there watching her daughter
she is dying a little more inside
every time she sits there crying
her pain is real
she refuses to eat, sleep
or crawl outta her corner
so she sits there crying
forever slowly dying
screaming inside
yet no one knows


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  • 17 years ago

    by henry

    Ok take care k check up wit me tomorrow k mwaaaz much love..

  • 17 years ago

    by henry

    Then let him be a homo be strong n carry on now its time for yu to think bout yu n yur baby kk im here for yu...

  • 17 years ago

    by henry

    Thats stupid that doesnt mean shit he suppose to man up n be there for yu n the baby...

  • 17 years ago


    Cuz we never see each other cept on the weekends

  • 17 years ago

    by henry

    Hey im soryy its cuz some shits been happening wit my homie and like i have to kikit wit him after skoo jus incase shit happens but yea wy did he do that forr.>??