Comments : Why she cries

  • 17 years ago

    by Jaime

    This was a very sad poem- good job expressing your emotions. There's just a few things I wanted to comment on.

    Using inappropriate words and starring them out seems to take away a little bit from the strength of the poem, in my opinion. I would suggest finding a replacement word, or just posting them in the explicit section. You might get more responses if you just change the word.

    Also, the self-harm-body-is-a-canvas-blood-is-ink metaphor is a tad overused. I've seen it in almost every poem I've read about self-harm. You might want to try and think up a more original one.

    Punctuation, capitals, and grammar should also be used when you're writing. They make the poem more readable to others and also make it easier to understand.

    All in all, I think this is a good start. The emotions are clearly there, and I'm sure that many readers will be able to relate (which is a plus). Take care.

  • 17 years ago

    by henry

    Wy is she doing that for man she is stupid yu should go to yur mans house n stay somewhere wit him so he can take care of yuu

  • 17 years ago

    by henry

    Hey im soryy its cuz some shits been happening wit my homie and like i have to kikit wit him after skoo jus incase shit happens but yea wy did he do that forr.>??

  • 17 years ago


    Cuz we never see each other cept on the weekends

  • 17 years ago

    by henry

    Thats stupid that doesnt mean shit he suppose to man up n be there for yu n the baby...

  • 17 years ago

    by henry

    Then let him be a homo be strong n carry on now its time for yu to think bout yu n yur baby kk im here for yu...

  • 17 years ago

    by henry

    Ok take care k check up wit me tomorrow k mwaaaz much love..