
by Kalie M   Feb 12, 2008

The wind softly shapes around young faces
innocence is lost quickly through such places
and although the sun is caught between clouds without shape
the issues here not solved with bits of tiny tape
for rain is bombarding through clean windows of glass
where no rain was able to previously pass
where strenght had once been but has turned to hopeless pieces
the heart of this wind recently never decreases
and although the sun is breaking its way through glass broken
mouths open wide but no words gently spoken
fragile and vulnerable the home has become
yet not dwelling from where these cracks have come from
for the wind softly shapes the face of attention
and forces rain through the glass of such genuine intentions


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  • 17 years ago

    by Eman D

    It amazes me how you can write so much about something so little. 5/5.

  • 17 years ago

    by Eman D

    It amazes me how you can write so much about something so little. 5/5.