My Views on Our World

by A l y s s a   Feb 13, 2008

Wearing pretty dresses
And fancy shoes.
With broken promises
Forever to lose.

Many hurtful taunts
Equal friendships broken.
Those nasty rumours
Leave words unspoken.

Hurting hearts
And lying faces.
Make for ruined trust
And faraway places.

Walking seperate paths
Make untruthful friends.
Their unwise decisions
Equal broken amends.

Our imaginary love
With those phony allies.
Your rigid embraces
My unbearable sighs.

My pointless poems
Are time wasted.
Such faithless faith
Is rebellion tasted.

These burnt memories
Make unrelenting desires.
This unfriendly world
Does ignite such fires.

Many broken homes
And childrens cries.
With uncontrollable anger
This life is just lies.



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  • 16 years ago

    by Faithless

    Wow i must say that you really put lots of your thoughts into writing this poem.I love each and evry stanza of it. you put in such a way that poetrical( idk if tt word exist) yeat in a logical manner.Btw it seems to look finished for me

    Excellent Job
    5/5 from me

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    I like it so far

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Beautifully penned ... love the way you have structured the poem and it flowed beautifully...

    "Walking seperate paths
    Make untruthful friends.
    Their unwise decisions
    Equal broken amends."
    ^^ we have be so careful while making friends... trust is one thing that is broken so easily... wonderful lines...

    "Our imaginary love
    With those phony allies.
    Your rigid embraces
    My unbearable sighs."

    ^^ loved this stanza ... quite touching :)

    beautiful write..

  • 17 years ago

    by CWG

    Very well written and unfortunately true. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    Great write! I've enjoyed every bit of it. But it says, "*UNFINISHED*" at the bottom. Hmm... I think if it gets longer.. it might lose some of it. :P