Letting Go Of Someday

by Richard Alan   Feb 13, 2008

I clearly see how you feel,
And I kind of saw it coming,
Even before we talked last night,
And you wouldn't say that something,

I knew this weekend would show you,
Just what it meant to be young,
To live in the moment, do what you want,
As long as you were having fun,

I knew it'd bring feelings to the front,
That you were trying to hide,
All your feelings about freedom and youth,
The ones that you held inside,

I know you truly want our *Someday*
And you know that I want it to,
Yet "beating yourself up" and "crying at night"
Is what I can't let you do,

This relationship was supposed to be fun,
A gift that we got to share,
Yet your hearts telling you to live for today,
So stop wondering if you should dare,

I'm happy you've told me how you feel,
And yet so sad for you and I,
Because now I know what this will do,
And I know exactly why,

It's because I'd wish to never see you again,
If meant you wouldn't regret,
The chances or risks that you didn't take,
Because of who you couldn't forget,

So I cant let you have all of these feelings,
And just sit idly bye,
Because after I read the email you sent,
I felt like I wanted to die,

I never wanted this to be a burden,
And I never thought that it would,
From you and I just waiting for each other
It would cause more bad than would good,

Because wait I would if wait I must,
That's what I always said,
And once you felt the same as I,
Shown through every tear you shed,

Yet there is still something that you have,
And it no longer bothers me,
The feeling that now you are so young,
And still should be so free,

And that feeling is so right and true,
Please never believe that it's not,
It's just me that's being the selfish one,
Not wanting to give back what I've got,

Because your right, yes, I've made mistakes,
And learned from them in the past,
It's just when I saw how precious you were,
I simply fell too fast,

And I didn't want to listen to reason,
Though my mind and friends would say,
"She doesn't know who she is yet"
"She's too young to feel that way"

I didn't care what they thought or said,
I knew you were right for me,
And I still know if things could be changed,
How perfect we would be,

But some things in life you just cant change,
No matter what you would give,
So I wont sit here and hold you back,
Because this life is yours to live,

And your personality is just so alive,
Everyone should get to share,
The beauty that I've found in you,
Because hogging you is just not fair,

Yet no one else will see you like me,
Or treat you like you deserve,
And although it's right your being true to yourself,
How now will we preserve?

Preserve this so called relationship,
When it was you yourself that said,
Being only friends just wouldn't work,
Too many tears would be shed,

If you saw me out with another girl,
And that other girl wasn't you,
And the same thing goes if I saw you out,
I don't know what I would do,

So where then now do we go from here?
I just don't know what to say,
I don't want to think about losing you,
But there's no way now you can stay,

Because the idea has been put in my head,
That to you I'm kind of a regret,
Someone who's been holding you back ,
From the things that you wanna get,

And I feel so guilty that this might be true,
Even though you'll swear that it's not,
But how can we know if I wasn't with you,
There's nothing better that you could've got?

So you'll have to go, and look for yourself,
And then you'll be able to see,
That you could look the rest of your whole life,
And never find another me,

But the sad thing is, and I know you know,
There will be no guarantee,
That just cause your finally ready for us,
And your ready for me,

That I'll still be waiting with open arms,
Cause you finally found out then,
That nothing will ever be as perfect,
As *Someday* could have been...


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  • 17 years ago

    by Alexandraa

    This was so good , it gave me shivers down my spine