On this Valentines Day

by Charlotte H   Feb 13, 2008

To my gorgeous girlfriend, On Valentine's Day, Just want to say, I love you, because you mean the world to me and since the day we met I knew that we were meant to be
Each time we are together I see you through new eyes, it feels just like the first time and then I realise you are the wonderful partner I always hoped to find, you're really great to be with, and always on my mind. You're someone very special I hope you know that's true, and this wish is delivered with love today, for you
On this special Valentines Day these words are just for you, to say how much I Love you and thank you for all you do. I hope today and always together we will be. I love the precious times we share, you mean everything to me
Just want to say I love you, because it's you that I adore, and every day that passes by, I love you more and more , You mean everything to me , and I love you , with all my heart ,
On Valentine's Day, for the One I Love, Sometimes it's not easy, to find the right words, to tell you how much I love you, and how special you are to me...
And when I look into your eyes, I know you're the one, I'll love forever, You’re everything I'll ever want, and I'm so in love with you
Sending all my love, to my gorgeous Girlfriend, on Valentine's Day and always


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  • 17 years ago

    by ShootingStar


  • 17 years ago

    by JustKristina

    This is a beautiful poem for a loved on on V-day! so cute! you can see your emotions for this person pouring out through this piece! wonderful job.. i have on suggestion though. maybe make it more...structured, add stanzas and lines, instead of throwing it together like a story.. that is just my opinion though! great work again! keep it up! :]