Be Careful What u Wish 4 [Because u just might get it all]

by Mackenzie   Feb 13, 2008

Best friends since we met
But I wished for more
You were with my cousin
You said she was a bore

We were together
all the time
I wished you were mine
You were the mountain I was willing to climb

I got what I wanted
I had you. i loved you
but it only lasted for three days
u don't know the pain that i went through

it's been almost three years
i got you once more
this time more than a month
and once again my heart got tore

i'm sick of this
all this heartache and pain
i thought you were worth it
now my tears fall like rain

i see you all the time
mostly in the hallway
but all i do is smile
and pretend i'm okay

maybe someday you'll realize
just how i feel
when all i wanted
is for this love to be real

u were the best of me
u were the love of my life
i just wish u could see

that it all started when

we were best friends
But I wanted more
You were with my cousin
You said she was a bore


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Freckles

    You were the mountain I was willing to climb

    lovee it! i can so relate to it! :(
    keep it up xx

  • 16 years ago

    by MEMI


  • 17 years ago

    by IMissYou

    Love this poem it's really sweet..x

  • 17 years ago

    by JustKristina

    Great work sista!!!! This is wonderful! I love the rhyming and the flow of the poem. Also the repetition of the first and last bit really went with this. Great work! hang in there sweetie.. i know you can get through this, and im here to help you do just that. :]

    your big sis *f-o-r-e-v-e-r .&. a-l-w-a-y-s*

  • 17 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    So far so good babe ! maybe a title name could be "wanting more" its just a suggestion ! 5/5 <33