My Poem to You

by lift the mask   Feb 13, 2008

How to start this I don't know.
How about I love you.
Do you doubt me, yes or no?
Will you let me love you all the day though?
All I can see is you and me.
And soon will come baby who makes three.
I will love you here and there, I will love you anywhere.
Give me this moment ours to keep.
Forever held deep in me.
Take my heart, yours to hold; now it's no longer cold.
Keep it safe, let me know if you wish me to behold, your amazing beauty that you do not know that you possess.
Please let me hold you and your skin caress.
I see greatness and warmth though your eyes, generosity and compassion these are the codes that you live by.
I just wish you could see what I see, but you refuse to believe.
That all I see in you is kindness though and though.
I wish to breath in your scent, and forever know that you are mine to keep.
So as this poem comes to a close, please do one favor to your husband to be, lean over and as only you know how to do, whisper, I love you!

Love Always and Forever
From Your Husband to Be, and Fiance


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  • 17 years ago

    by hadia

    Aww, that is soo sweet!
    i am like in love with it!

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