Comments : Dont want to lose you

  • 17 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    The flow is really awkward.

    When i look into your eyes
    [Capitalize I]
    i cant help but notice
    [Capitalize I and cant should be can't]
    your many lies
    you promised me alot
    [A lot is two words]
    but i lost you to
    [^^Capitalize I]
    meth and pot
    want to help you out
    but you wont listen or let me in
    [^^Wont should be won't]
    my patience is running thin
    let me help you
    let me bring you back
    i hate seeing you run around
    [^^Capitalize I]
    out in the world telling
    me your doing good and your happy
    [^^This was an awkward line, and both your's should be you're]
    but thats changed
    [^^That should be that's]
    you said its too late death is your only fate
    [^^Its should be it's]
    theres always ways you know
    [^^Theres should be there's]
    come back to the better days
    you come and go
    but theres one thing about you
    [^^Theres is there's]
    that i know you do want my help
    [^^Capitalize I]
    your screaming inside but outside
    [^^Your should be you're]
    you pretend and hide

    Sorry for all the grammar correction, but they will make the poem better.

    Keep writing!

  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    I like