Be Mine

by Kaila   Feb 13, 2008

February 14
will you be mine?
will you be my love,
my one and only Valentine?

Cuz ill be yours
every minute of every day
forever and always baby
just like i always say

you're my world
as i am yours
you make my world shine
even as the rain pours

so today, love is in the air
will you be mine?
will you be my love,
and my very first Valentine?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Marc Ortiz

    Well it was simple but the emotions in this poem was really great, well done. I think that you wrote this from your heart and for me the best poems are from the heart. Keep up the good job! :)

    Thanks for the comment.

  • 17 years ago

    by LostSoul

    This is really nice,i love it girl and keep the good work up ok.c u..