THinK ABout me...(*) (*) (*) this Is MY HEArT

by Amadeous   Feb 14, 2008

I- stands for I...will be there forever..through it matter the weather.

L-stands for the love..and all that i will give..

O-stands for our things..because those are what I hold close..

V-stands for Violent..because that is how some fights will be..but we will get through them..because we LOVE

E- stands for everything...that is what you mean to what we will always be..

Y- stands for you and all that you mean to me..

O- stands for over...and thats what our lives will never be...

U-stands for us, as in you and me..and I love you means that...I...Truly...LOVE YOU with all my heart..


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  • 16 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    I liked the way you spelt it out where there could be no misunderstanding. Truly a beautiful poem.

  • 17 years ago

    by Dragon Slayer

    Very well written.great job!