He's TEARING our friendship APART

by MiSS KRiS   Feb 14, 2008

Ever since you got your dog
You've been acting kinda funny,
I found you always busy
and was spending
all this money
for your honey.
Plus you stopped coming by
when your dog licks your hand-
you become mesmerized
and I won't lie-
I was green with envy
kept my head so low-
like: "How did he take my friend from me??"
I felt like I was competing
competing with your pet
Never took you for the type
to go along and forget.
It's like he's bit you in the heart
and "love" was the effect
your priorities aren't straight,
but hey- what did I expect?!
You got a dog now -
Why am I the one to fret?
But it's whatever, girl
go ahead and take him for a walk,
Because I heard his bite
ain't nothing like his bark.
You say we should hook up some other time
but all that there is talk...
And aye I'm sorry for being blunt
but this here is hurting me-
You either keep him on a leash
Or set your dog FREE


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  • 17 years ago

    by Dennis

    Wow I really like how you put it as a "dog"..
    I can relate in that situation...
    good job...