
by Steffini   Feb 14, 2008

Here you go again feeling like you already won
Sitting there all heroic and smiling
Thinking you got all you wanted
News flash honey, you lost me
I can see your fading blue eyes in the rear view mirror
Knowing you never cared enough to chase me
It just gives you another reason to get her
Did those scratches on your back feel good baby?
what about the bite marks on your neck?
Dont you even say she ment nothing
You wouldnt have done it if you loved me
God, your such a fool thinking i wouldnt know
The late night calls and cards with the boys
Is the fire really that hot
When its burning in her eyes?
Your lies will never covor up your twisted truth
And i find it kind of ammusing
Knowing you'll come around, when ive moved on
But i promise, i wont be here waiting
Because never will i dig up the bones to our broken past
knowing it will just have to look death in the face again

{i know its not good, but i just needed to vent :) please rate and comment}


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  • 17 years ago

    by Madison

    Im not gonna lie cheaters suck, chill poem. hit me up sometime

  • 17 years ago

    by December

    I agree with Siro Is Procrastinating :)

    Well written*