Don't judge just yet...

by Kitsuneko   Feb 14, 2008

Living now in shadows, deep,
Creating stains to call my own.
Skulking days, and through nights creep,
Cuts so deep they feel like home.
Red on white, and draped in black,
On my knees, so just let go.
Not suited for the beaten track
A mind you wouldn't want to know.
"Freak, she's probably got a gun"
Like you talk to me and understand.
Looks to kill, dressed to stun,
I am not your's to command.
Chains and nets scare you away?
Not as confident as you once thought...
Notions you wouldn't dare convey,
Maybe, Maybe, Maybe not......


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  • 17 years ago

    by jailbird08

    Well rhymed, loved it