To the one i love...

by Haylee   Feb 14, 2008

I left myself open, it's the mistake I made
to you I'm just a game that's meant to be played
there was only one thing you wanted from me
but can't be the girl you want me to be

I'm not just looking for a one night stand
I keep telling myself it's different, but I know it's just pretend
I wanted you so bad I felt I had to lie
I want you so much it makes me want to cry.

So I put up with being at your beckon call
because with out you I'd be nothing at all
if you knew how I felt it would be the end of our night
without you in my life things just wouldn't be right
so I will go on pretending that everything's ok
because life without you will turn my days grey

until the day I can take it no more
will be the day that I fall to floor
that day will bring my life to an end
because I love you so much my heart would not mend.


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  • 17 years ago

    by K R ii S T ii N A

    Good, Good
    Keep Iit Up
    X - - x

  • 17 years ago

    by Haylee

    Thanks for your comment

    best one i've ever recieved :)

  • 17 years ago

    by The Queen

    Awww..dAt wAS Sad....gIrl...i uNderStaNd whAt uR trYin tO sAy aNd wUT u FeEliN...bUt oNe dAy u HavTa bE strOng..TheRe aRe sOo mUch oUt TheRe tO enJoy wiT aNd eVen jUz tO lOok aT..pLs be sTrOng aNd u hAve tO leArn tOlOve uRseLs fIrsT beFoRe sUmOne dOes..gOodLuck swEety...aNd beSt hOpes aNd wisHes...xx