Just Aint Me

by XxXKristie MarieXxX   Feb 14, 2008

By: Kristie Martinez

Staring out the window
Looking at the moon
With tears in my eyes
I ask god, Why do I love him?
All I'll ever be is his friend
And nothing more
He tells me all his secrets
The can't even tell her
When I'm sad he tries
His hardest to cheer me up
Its so cute how hard he tries
This boy is so cute
But I'm in love with
His personality
He's honest, truthful and
I wish he would see
Me as the girl he needs
This boy deserves the best
In the world
But I guess the best
Just aint ain't me


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  • 16 years ago

    by Andrew

    Brilliantly penned piece, i really like how you potrayed your inner emotions in this poem. Marvelous job and hope he sees you for who you are.

  • 17 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    Wow, this poem is great too.
    beautiful and deep. you don't care about the rhym but it deosn't matter as long as you transfer your true feelings into words

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