Soldier Love

by samie renae   Feb 14, 2008

My friend, my hero
my love 4ever
u went away to war
and i lost u altogether
u changed
and i dont know if
it's good or if it's bad
i thought the way u were
would last 4ever
but now u've changed
and i lost u altogether
darius i've lost u
my cuzin 4ever is lost


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kailyn

    I know how you must feel- The man I am in love with is in Iraq. He has also changed but he still loves me very much. The things that these guys see are awful- Accept him for who he is now; He's seen alot and done alot that he can never forget. But he still has love in his heart.

  • 17 years ago

    by Mike Martin

    He's not lost. he's just different then you remember. War does things to people, some good and bad must realize that he is changed. You must accept him for who he is, not what he was......xoxoxoxoxo

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