What if......

by IcAnMaKeIt   Feb 14, 2008

What if....
the sky wasn't blue, and
in reality i wasn't in love with you,

What if....
everything i touched turned to gold
and everything i hated began to mold,

What if....
you said you loved me &
i didn't say it back or
you had a mom who was
strung out on crack

What if....
I tried to hear you but
my ears wouldn't work or
the night turned to day and
the joy to hurt

What if....
You've tried so hard and it never paid off

What if....
you lived the rest of your life
asking what if...



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  • 17 years ago

    by Sammerz

    I like this its short but it tells you the strong emotions that you are trying to get but a lot of ppl say wat if i think we should jus be happy with wat we got and hold on to it lol nic poem tho