Silent Cries *abortion

by Lovesick 4 Jesus   Feb 14, 2008

Do you know how much my heart weeps
for just one of my slaughtered children
can you see the evil taking place
oh im groaning and screaming within

For with these hands i formed them
and gave them the breath of life
i created them for my glory
yet they're torn with the hate of a knife

These people speak of equality
but take the life of my loved ones
saying they should have a choice
to destroy my daughters and sons

My anger rages deep inside
and my tears like mighty seas
this blodshed wont continue
for i answer my people's needs

I desire that you come to me
and listen to my voice
to understand i made you too
and that YOU are my choice

Tears roll down these cheeks of love
as i hold power in my hand
soon my Kingdom will be here
to bring justice to this land

By: Jesus through Trisha


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lovesick 4 Jesus

    Oh my goodness. mine too. Im so glad that you have a passion and love for life. Never lose that! God has so much for you!

  • 17 years ago

    by Chrissi

    I can't Imagine, How it feels... to create someone... and have them destroyed, without a chance. It breaks my heart to think about it.