She Was Such a Pretty Girl

by Becauseiloveyouso   Feb 15, 2008

She was such a pretty girl
From the outside, her beauty was obvious
Her luscious lips
Her cute body
Her long brown hair
But look a little harder
You notice her eyes
So lost and emotionless
She looks as though she's missing something
A part of her lost in the world

All she wanted was joy
But it didn't come that easily
She loved him so much
But why would he love her back
She was just yet another simple girl
Nothing special or exciting about her
Her unlovable thoughts brought her to a place she didn't like
A place where the sun didn't shine
And smiles ceased to exist
This place she calls home
Is her worst nightmare

Her tears roll down her cheeks
Her eyes become bloodshot
She looks at herself in the mirror
Not liking the image looking back at her
She collapses
And slowly reaches for a blade
The blood runs down her skin
And right before her eyes
The self-mutilation begins

For weeks these scars keep coming
Her self-hatred is haunting her
Her depressive ways lead her friends to not like her anymore
Why would they?
Even she doesn't like herself
Her parents notice the cuts
But all she does is lie
But it's obvious something's going on
There are no more calls for her
Her body is drenched in little red marks on her flesh

Until one day
Her thoughts get serious
And she's sick of living
She's sick of being unloved
She's sick of trying to be normal
Because she knows she isn't
When her reflection is shown
The image to her eyes isn't good enough
So because of her sickness of life
She takes her life
And a knife is stabbed into her chest
Leading her to bleed and bleed
But all she wanted was to rip her heart open
And that she did
And now, as she lies dead on the frigid bathroom floor
Covered by her blood
The night turns dark
And the birds stop singing
And the bees stop buzzing
As one more innocent mind
Has decided to end her life


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  • 17 years ago

    by Christina

    Wow wat a sad poem!!! but WOW im speechless that was a rele good poem!!! 5/5!!!

    <3 i love you silly