Attack at Life

by Milla   Feb 15, 2008

It rushes to my brain
charging at me like
stampede of bulls
The force coming down on
my body.

The Angry wrapping around my neck
like a snake with its prey.
i cant escape its tight
grasp around me
loosing all air to my lungs.

A strike to my back as
it takes over my once
calm soul.
No turning back now

Feeling the angry
through my veins
Pumping pure madness
to my mind.

Can't control this outrage.
Can't control this hurt.
Words attacking me
Eyes, digging through my skin

Liked a chained up animal
being mocked at.
Slowly loosing grip
on reality.

Slowly loosing my mind


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  • 17 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    Wow, what an awesome poem. I really felt the rage. I really liked your metaphors and your use of transformation throughout the poem.

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