Dont Make Promises You Cannot Keep

by Amanda   Feb 15, 2008

I once had a dream of happiness,
but they make it hard for me,
Nobody listens to how I feel,
and the pain they refuse to see,

I have been through so much,
but I don't feel sorry for myself,
The past is the past but I'm hurting,
I just want good happiness and health,

I don't wish to be ignored by them,
I would like people to show they care,
I don't want to bottle it up anymore,
I need to know that people are there,

I need to be supported and loved,
by those I feel closest to,
But they just seem to ignore me,
No matter whatever I say or do,

I'm a loving and caring person,
with so many emotions inside,
I want to learn to trust again,
not just run away and hide,

No matter whatever happens,
I have the ability to know,
I can make it on my own,
If they all choose to go,

So stand by me if you love me,
support me if you truly care,
but never make false promises,
if you know you won't be there....


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  • 16 years ago

    by Sam Marie

    I LOVE this!! it is exactly how i am feeling!!

  • 17 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    Wow, this is really deep, touchy and unerstanding of the poem u made urself to be sincerely by others but some of them are insincerity.. this is sad but turn out more good to know is this real to see