Corner of Regret

by SweeT pOisOn   Feb 16, 2008

Sitting in the corner of that very room,
With only a candle light that will go out very soon,
I hear the owls cry as the mice pass by,
I feel the wind strengthen as the birds try to fly.

As the dust blows through that very window,
I feel the girl in me slowly becomes a widow,
With the now yellow bed-sheets moving from side to side,
I feel that sleep will be very hard to find.

And as the door bangs against its lock,
Another minute passes and moves the hands of my clock,
I quietly try to close an eye,
That quickly blinks as I remember the guy.

He who was charming and to me the best,
He who made me fail this test,
He who made me cry all my tears,
He who brought to me all my fears.

Loving at first, then all of a sudden very shallow,
Ripping everything off me to please his fellows,
Stealing my innocence and breaking my heart,
Destroying my every beginning from which I could start!


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  • 17 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    Very well written, nice describing and good imagination, wonderful flow.

    i hope everything is alright and just was fantasy from your mind