His Picture

by Rebecca   Feb 16, 2008

Home alone she looks at his picture
oh so carefully
she runs her fingers over his chest
counting ever shade of blue in his eyes
all the while wiping the tears from hers

Knowing that he's out there without her
is much more then she can bare
so she lies in bed with the covers
pulled over her head holding that picture
of him so closely and tightly in her arms
wishing she where hold him so closely
and so tight instead

she stays like this all night long
till she finally cries herself to sleep ones more
then morning comes to soon and she
only gets up and going on
so know one would know her
fears she feels for him while he's so far away.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Mackenzie

    Wow. i like this poem. i mean i love it. i can relate to it easily. it's so hard to let go of the past. great use of emotion also.

    there were some errors. but i still give u a 5/5.

    keep it up.

    much love,

  • 16 years ago

    by Sourav

    Very good one. So much of love and emotions in it. Liked it a lot!

  • 16 years ago

    by coverd in darkness

    5/5 full of deep feelings and emotions expressed wonderfully well done :) can relate directly to it

  • 16 years ago

    by Faye

    This is awesome! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by xxrachxx

    Really good
    great expression of your feelings

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