Angel Wings

by adroit   Feb 17, 2008

At a place that some now call Heaven
There lived a once great king
Among him were his fellow angels
Beautiful creatures with wings

There was an angel who was an angry one
He hated the king for his unquestioned power
So he ceased to praise the light of the sun
And his essence became bitter and sour

But the love of his immortal life
She saw naught but the good in his soul
But her cruel lover left her behind
Seeing only his goal

So with his followers, the dark one cried war
And the king's servants answered the call
And so the girl angel, her wounds still salted and sore
Saw the love of her life in battle fall

The king victorious in the end
Now turned his eyes to the girl left behind
He saw the sorrow of complete loss in her eyes
And only one solution could he find

He knew she would never forgive or forget
So he realized she no longer belonged
So he had his servants send her crashing to the ground
Even as she sang a mourning song

She fell and made an attempt at flying
But her wings were no longer on her back
And suddenly falling, screaming, and crying
She felt Terror as it attacked

As the angel landed softly on the earth
She looked up to the clouds
And like a baby after birth
The angel wept out loud

Then gazing up at her former home
She shook her fist at the skies
Burning with her newfound hate
The angel dried her eyes

Go into a certain forest one night
And hear the angel sing
Of a certain battle long ago
And how she lost her wings


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by charles

    Like the Angels, we all have our own individual good and bad parts. Even the most devastating of circumstances can become just the "Angel Wings" we need to lift our spirits, like a blessing in disguise... C

  • 16 years ago

    by Shellaine shelli

    I thought that this
    was a great poem
    and I think that the first comment
    was kind of right
    but then again, rhyming isn't
    the point of the poem
    and in anyway your poem showed
    true beauty and depth,
    I've always had a thing
    about angels so
    was drawn in by the name
    and am really glad that I read
    this poem, I loved it!!
    well done!!
    ***take care***

  • 16 years ago

    by Armada the Gestalt

    Oooh, thought invoking.

    I especially liked the 'like a baby at birth' as if suggesting, in my opinion, that she has entered a new life. Nice imagery overall, and a good command of emotive language, though I don't quite understand how you started with who I think is Lucifer and deviated to this girl? But that isn't a bad thing just a little 'oh huh?' doesn't detract from the poem.

    All I can say is it doesn't QUITE read without jarring in some places, and the rhyming is mostly good though strenuous/a little forced in places, as far as lyrics go.

    Anyway, very nice poem. :D Thanks for commenting on mine btw. Haha.

  • 16 years ago

    by adroit

    Thanks for the advice. It helped.

  • 17 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    This was okay, but it would have been much better if you'd had made it a longer piece. I really wanted to read more. Maybe you should add a few stanzas.
