Comments : Desiderate

  • 17 years ago

    by Sirrah

    I love it...keep up the good work

  • 17 years ago

    by fakesmile

    Omg!!! the most flawless amazing poem i've read soo far.. 5/5 definately my favorite poem!

  • 17 years ago

    by Aussie

    The last vers made me think:)

  • 17 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Well, well! What a beautiful poem, great flow and great wording...
    I am going to add you to my favorites!

    Take care,

    5/5 Ingrid

  • It's a really good poem. It had so many good words to describe the feeling, but it kind of confused me. There's something wrong with it, I just can't put my finger on it. It's still really good though. The flow fit just right. 5/5


  • 16 years ago

    by Kitten

    Really good poem i liked it alot keep up the good work 5/5


  • 16 years ago

    by firexdancer

    Now this I loved.
    I could relate to it completely, and I've written poems about this feeling but none of them were as well written and clear as this one.
    It sum it all up, amazing.
    It flowed perfectly as well.

  • 16 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    Very beautifully written. I love the concept to this poem... its really deep. The flow was good, the word choice was great, and the concept was amazing... Very beautiful write worthy of a 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Quietly Versed

    My soul yearns for my childhood
    For the times when promises weren't broken
    When tears were so obscure
    And no words were left unspoken.

    Your poem portrays the dissatisfaction of the reality of adulthood. At least as a child we had the right to dream of things that may never come true. As adults we are plagued by constant since of responsibility. I might be said that "all those liars" were the adults who told you you could be what ever you wanted to be when you were just a child (and you believed them only to grow up to find yourself lusting for yesteryears. Nicely done. Bravo to you.

    My heart pines for the distant past
    That so quickly disappeared
    For the times of such simplicity
    Before lusting the yesteryears. .

    these two stanzas make the poem

  • 16 years ago

    by Stephanie Naylor

    "I contemplate the past
    For the days of way back when
    Before words were so tainted
    Before lies were so common"

    This part ^^ really speaks for itself, its a very strong introduction.

    "I long to be a part
    Of the innocence I want back
    Before I let society take over
    For freedom is what I lack"

    "My conscience craves for the times
    Of my ignorant desires
    Before depression ruled my heart
    From being broken by those liars"

    ^^ ok, the first two lines i wasnt very fond of, but the last two were great, even though it was a simple couplet it was very strong and powerful.

    "My soul yearns for my childhood
    For the times when promises weren't broken
    When tears were so obscure
    And no words were left unspoken. "

    ^^ this is my favorite part, its pretty much what i had said to a friend the other day, because back in elemntary school, things were so easy, and everyone spoke there mind. Brilliant.

    "My heart pines for the distant past
    That so quickly disappeared
    For the times of such simplicity
    Before lusting the yesteryears. "

    ^^ this was a great ending to a magnificent poem.

    All in all i thought this was an amazing poem. THe rhyming was pretty good, it never seemed forced. I like how the begininnig(sp) of each stanza was along the lines of "wanting" something,(i.e, longing, pines). a well deserved 5/5

    ^^ this is a true statement about many people. We usually let society form and mold us into the people that we are. Another very good and very true stanza.

  • 16 years ago

    by Shinobi

    This poem was better than the other one I read. The structure was more orginized and so it was easier to read. I liked the rhymes and the high language of this poem. As I recall, all of your poems are written in a high level english vocabulary, which makes them so amazing.
    The ending is the only thing that could be written better, it broke the flow a little.

    Overall good job 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Shinobi

    This poem is better than the last one I commented. This piece was rhymed better, and the structure was orginized. These things made it wasy to read and made it flow better. The only thing that ruined it a little bit for me was the ending. If you could have rhymed the last stanza, it would sound a lot better.

    Nice job overall 5/5