So I asked you to come over
Hadn't seen you in months
What could have been years
By the way you stared me in the face
And I smiled because I wanted
To leap into your arms and hoped
You'd hold me close, but you know
I couldn't do that, not that
Anything but that
So I smiled and I looked away and
You continued to stare at me
And I started to cry, because
My smile couldn't hold in what
I meant to hold in, and you wanted
To hold me, and I wanted you to hold me
But the way you touched my arm
Seemed to electrocute your fingertips
By the way you pulled away, your
Hand was on fire, and you suddenly
Remembered your place and how
Things aren't what they were before
We aren't who we were before
And it was suddenly time for me to die
With you watching and doing
Nothing but watching, so far away
From where we both want you to be
But where we'll never be, because
We're not going back, and we both
Seem to know it now