by Love Like This   Feb 17, 2008

So theres this quy
he probably doesn't even care
buh he STiLL has my heart
even thouqh he miqht think that he doesn't .

i never stopped lovinq him ,
never stopped carinq ferr him ,
and i just know ferr a fact that i never will .

him talkinq to meh
seeinq him everyday ; him just beinq next to meh
it kills meh inside to know that
even if i wanted to , and if it could happen
that thinqs would never be the same aqain

some times qood thinqs fall apart
so better thinqs could fall toqether
or at least that's what i heard
and what i believe in .

i don't know why
buh lately it's been botherinq meh a lot ferr some reason
since June TwentyOneOhSeven ,
my life just chanqed ; my whole damn life simply just qot rearranqed

i qot so much hatred in meh now
i just qet so mad easily that it's crazy
i end up fiqhtinq with people a lot
and end up not talkinq to them ferr days
and you know who i blame ?
HiM .

i love how she had the nerve to
tell him she loved him when i was qoinq out with him
i reqret not askinq about his past
i reqret is so much every damn day .

and you know what else ?
i became friends with the freakinq qirl
i kept my two feet on the qround ; kept my mouth shut
and never said a word to her .

i thouqht ; if i didn't start anythinq
if i just ended it riqht there
that they could qo out and be happy
that's all i ever wanted ferr him ; ferr my friend .
ferr him to be happy whether or not that left meh
in two pieces sufferinq ; not even cryinq about it .

she was a year younqer and he was a year older than meh
quess i was bound to qet stuck in the middle riqht ?

i don't know why all this happened to meh
i never wanted anythinq else but the best ferr people ;
ferr my friends and i had really liked him
sometimes i qet second thouqhts on qod
buh then aqain ; thinqs happen ferr a reason riqht ?


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  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    I so can relate to this....i don't love my boyfriend (i really should just break up with him....sigh) and i do love my best friend. and he has a girlfriend (he really should break up with but i would do anything to keep them together, because i love him and i want him to be happy. but it hurts to be around him and know i can't have him. PM me if u ever wanna talk....great poem <3

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