Comments : Pressure

  • 17 years ago

    by Lemma

    Aww no! Such a sad ending. Really effective imagery, gives a real sense of being trapped with no escape. 5/5

    Em xXx

  • Good job 5/5 keep up the good work

  • 16 years ago

    by sweet escape

    The sky's always pushing
    The ground shoving back
    Caught in a dream
    A never-ending asthma attack

    I reach out for help
    But nobody's there...

    they are my favorite lines
    it is a great poem

  • 16 years ago

    by Live WeLL

    Wow your word choice in this poem was great! You really get a tense feeling when reading this poem .. and you can really sense someone silently screaming out for help.

    I reach out for help
    But nobody's there...

    That is an amazing way to end the poem. I love poems that end with " ..." I try to use that a lot in my poems too. It keeps the reading thinking even after they finish reading.

    Nice job once again. =)

  • 16 years ago

    by StuPiD FrEaK

    I can totally relate in this poem.. Emotionally and literally.. Nice poem!!!