
by L0V3 Mi fAMilY   Feb 17, 2008

Try to explain to me,
Why can't you look me in the face?
Is it that you don't want me to notice,
That you're still in love?

Your eyes show passion,
And lost hopes.
Because you're turning me down,
While you die inside.

You know very well you can't forget me,
Or better yet lie to me.
There's still no other man,
That can make you fall in love.

If before love was invented,
I was already loving you.
Not even the love of Romeo and Juliet,
Got to be as big as this.

I'm going to be honest and confess,
I'm not lying when I say I miss you.
Even through all this time that passed,
I still keep your picture in my head.

Where will this love, this ilusion go?
I ask myself all the time.
I know I have failed to notice your love,
But your pride and attitude revive me.

You deny feeling love, hiding passion
And you turn me down also.
With me you can't, I know you well,
You still love me.

It doesn't matter
If you let me go today,
You will miss me tomorrow,
And days after that.

Today you hide what you feel,
And you think you will convince me.
You even say you hate me,
That the love has gone away.

Look at me straight in the eye,
And tell me that you don't love me.
Then, I will no longer write these poems,
I won't say any more words.

You hesitate to tell me you don't love me,
That it was all in the past.
But love can't be forgotten,
It stays there forever.

In your diary there's a story,
Of two lovers very much in love.
The novels and poetry of love,
Will live by your side forever.

Remember I made you a woman,
In that night filled with passion.
When I would sing to you with my guitar,
And then you would kiss me.

Baby don't do yourself harm,
Knowing that you love me.
You will always be in my thoughts,
And you know there won't be anyone like me.


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  • 16 years ago

    by RobinAnn13

    I liked it. It was filled with emotion and it flowed well. There were a few parts, though, that seemed a little unnecessary and made the poem feel like it was dragging on and on. Maybe if a few stanza's were deleted it would sound better. Still a good poem. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Lemma

    This was really sweet and honest and full of emotion that you conveyed really well. The flow was sometimes a little off because of the order of the words but otherwise I really enjoyed it.

    Em xXx

  • 17 years ago

    by XxToWriteLoveOnHerWristxX

    I like this part a lot
    "Baby don't do yourself harm,
    Knowing that you love me.
    You will always be in my thoughts,
    And you know there won't be anyone like me"
    its a beautiful poem. the flow and rythem wern't on quite right but it still worked. nice
    job. 5/5 !props!

  • 17 years ago

    by Michelle18

    Aw. loved this poem..even though i dont like poems that dont rhyme..this one really interested me... i guess because it sounded like real feelings.

    good job..keep it up.5/5

  • Wow babe, this poem was so beautiful. I know it's not going directly to me because you know I love you with all my heart. I noticed you entered this in the contest I also entered. Espero que te valla bien amor mio. Te amo y me encanto este poema! Muah!!
