Comments : I love you

  • 17 years ago

    by AJ

    Great imagery, and if i was the guy i would have to say yes i would.... great job 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Angel Demetrice

    "If i said yes you to your question,
    would you call me a freek,
    would you say i know nothingof love,
    of how you feel, or would you embrace me, so i can show you how much your loved,
    if you cryed i would hold you,
    if you were hurt i would be there to protect you,
    if you were sick i would make you soup,
    at night i would carry you out,
    and stair at the stars,
    i would wisper "i love you" as you slept,
    and be there for you as you waked."

    i really like answering your questions. mostly for fun and to lern but i will be you angel if you let me