Comments : Apathetic Heart

  • 17 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace

    I'm not sure if i understand the concept of this poem.
    What i got from it, was someone who chose not to care, because caring is too much, it is too hurtful.
    I hope i got it right.

  • 17 years ago

    by A l y s s a

    The content is great! :) Your word choice is once again spot on & this would be my favourite poem of yours so far. I'm not positive on the concept/story but I still liked it!

    Ally. x

  • 17 years ago

    by LoveBird99

    I loved the way you worded this poem! I can really relate to the whole thing about being around people who care too much.

    Oh, and grammar........."care to much" should be care too much".


  • This poem was all right, but maybe you shoud've added more stanzas in this. In the second stanza, the last line didn't seem to fit there. It's pretty good, though, but the repetition on the first and third stanza made the poem kind of confusing, which is why should probably make it a bit longer.


  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Very nice,like the line:Surrounded by people
    Who care to much
    Don't want to be like them
    So I have an apathetic heart.
    -caring always ends in pain,really feel youre emotions in this