Dream Dont Come True

by bloodlinedkisses   Feb 18, 2008

She walks down the hall
No one by her side
Music full blast
Drowning out the laughter
Finally she sees him
He smiles at her with his gorgeous smile
She can feel her cheeks turn red
And a smile starts to form
He tells her that he wants her
But not the same way she wants him
She wants him to told her
She wants to be the one he can call his
She is nothing more than a peice of ass to him
She lays there night after night
Hoping that one day he will want her
And each day she smiles at him trying to hide the pain
She hopes one day he will hold her tight...
To bad dreams dont come true.

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  • 17 years ago

    by meli

    Wow this is a great poem...

  • 17 years ago

    by mandy

    Oh my gosh, i think every girl has felt like this, but are just too afraid to admit it. Heck, guys too. And the majority of guys don't like to express them selves, so you wouldn't know it. But yan, it hurts, but it happens to the best of us. Loved the poem tho, awsome work, true.