The Love Letter

by NiCoLe ErIn   Feb 19, 2008

I feel like i can trust you
with everything in my heart
so I'll write this stupid letter
just let me find a place to start

ill start the night we met
which i cant describe
i had just met you
and all ready i have butterflies

we text ed all night
even though you were next to me
i cant help but laugh about it now
that night was so silly

i was shocked you called
after you left that night
i was floating on air
but something wasn't right

you were perfect
didn't do anything wrong
and i thought after you left
i would be forgotten all along

but you called me again
and i didn't know what to say
i couldn't answer the phone
i was simply to afraid

but one day i was down
and deeply in the blue
i got a call
and I'm glad it was you

you had me smiling
in no time at all
i guess thats when
i let myself fall

you made it easy
and i know why
.....every time.....
i look in your eyes

all the little things you do
just to make me laugh
we look perfect together
in every photograph

sry.....i know this letter is stupid
but i didn't know what else to say
just thought id let you know
how i feel today!



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  • 17 years ago

    by Always and Never

    Awww. This poem is so adorable. I'm glad you have someone that makes you feel that way. I wish i did. great poem. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Eman D

    I dont know how this is a lost love poem but i do know i enjoyed it. The part about texting eachother was uh.. cute.