Under my wings

by nell   Feb 19, 2008

The fear in his eyes brings out the worst in you
your the apple of his eye, hunny you know its true.
people have a funny way of showing they care
your the world to him and his world you share.
the weight of the world is on your shoulders
it weighs you down like a ton of boulders
the care free life you once lived, seems so Farr away
the freedom you long for you can have today
let go of your past and let it stay there
the memories can stay, but the doubt go elsewhere
look up the stars in the dark night sky
some days you wish if only you could fly
but under my wings is where you'll remain
these emotions i can no longer contain
my heart does yet beat for you alone
my world in your eyes i have been shown
together we dance among the stars
the rocks the planets and even mars
your wildest dreams are coming true
with you alone mine will too.

i dedicate this poem to Dylan, keep you chin up Hun and
remember, im always here


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  • 17 years ago

    by Dylan

    Babe i love you alot this poem is your greatest i think you did an amazing job with it and i hope you mean every word of it because thats the exact way i feel about you
    you mean more to me then the the stars do to the midnight sky you make me float across the water and wish i will never die
    you take the pain away with a wisper of your voice
    you are the girl for me and that is my final choice

  • 17 years ago

    by Dylan

    Thanks hun i love the poem, i love you, and theres still hope for these blue eyes yet