It hurts me

by xxrachxx   Feb 19, 2008

I hear you might be going on a date with her it hurts
When i saw your status change it hurt
When i see who the girl is i want to hurt her

I need to keep my composure
I need to have hope
If we were ment to be the time will come

I am hurting because you looked at me with love
You have someone and it hurts
I thought the look could mean something
I guess it might not mean anything after all
On the other hand it could mean a lot

Maybe you were dragged into the relationship
Maybe you just asked her out cause you couldn't find anyone else
Maybe you just wanted to fill that space in your heart

Look at me i need you i love you
I won't be satifised untill i get you
Boy please don't hurt me


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Michael

    Good poem, its really a sweet poem

  • 17 years ago

    by shelby lynne

    I feel exactly what you mean in this poem
    exactly :o(

  • 17 years ago

    by Manda

    Awwww this is a really cute poem....

  • 17 years ago

    by MSz iiZzii

    Beautiful poem! a year ago i kinda was in dat same situation. i got ova him doe