Forbidden Love

by SuicideNotes2Poems   Feb 19, 2008

You put memories in my mind
that i will never forget
you took places in my heart
that no one else can get
you are my past, you took my future
but it wasn't meant to be
and though my love will last
your future is not with me
i bleed for you i cry for you
i want you by me side
i don't want to tell you about
all the tears I've cried
ill be looked at as crazy
because my feelings have taken over
but no matter how much my heart wants it
I'm not allowed to love her



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  • 16 years ago

    by TillyMariex

    Aw...this is kinda sad but i like it =]

  • 16 years ago

    by BitterXSweetness

    Aww this was so sad. I'm sorry if this really happened 2 u. And the sad thing about it. I know exactly how u feel in this poem. It hurts. I know. But ur poem was really good. I'm glad that I read it =)

  • I love this ....ive been there many times...

  • 17 years ago

    by vivian robb

    Wow this poem is great .. i can relate..
    your a really great writer!!! XD

  • 17 years ago

    by Norman John Henry Campbell

    Well written poem great flow quick question why arent u allowed to have this woman no one should ever tell u that u cant love or have someone....