I Have to Wait

by Josh Barrett   Feb 19, 2008

We played our little games.
We said our little things.
I can only sit and wait.
To see what hope brings.

But you went on to someone else.
Like you can just grab them off the shelf.
Like you dont care how I feel.
You only feel for yourself.

You said you only liked me.
But you went off to him.
It kills me to see you together.
And you and I staying friends.

Its like I cherish our moments.
In which we laugh or cry.
I feel like I could be with you.
Until the very day I die.

I guess I have to wait.
And wait longer than I knew.
Because it looks like he just pulled out the ring.
The ring I was going to place on you.

So, now you are walking down the aisle.
Hand in hand with your father.
I would get up and stop it.
But why bother?

I told you to be happy.
Dont make your decision too late.
And you chose him.
So, I guess I have to wait.


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  • 17 years ago

    by XxXKristie MarieXxX

    Omg is this true? This is so very well written. You should have said something. May your heart heal and find someone who will make you truly happy. Keep writing!

    XxXKristie MarieXxX