Comments : Lucid Designs

  • 17 years ago

    by Cooper

    There is, as I see, no other who can handle the depth and torrential emotion your style of poetry flows with.
    Your wording and form is magical, and your poems simply astound me ... only those without a heart could not fall in love with what you are capable of creating.

  • 17 years ago

    by Jacqui Armstrong

    Wow. it was amazing, so different, wonderful use of words and it created such amazing images =)
    im actually speachless!

    well done!


  • 17 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    Your poets heart unfurls itself willing and lends its words to us to float and drift among our own words. Good work, I enjoyed your poem and look forward to more.

  • 17 years ago

    by EssenceOfLace

    Word choice was amazing. i have 2 thoughts
    "with ivies enwrapped around the heart, peacefully
    touching senses with vivid grace,"

    maybe change it to
    "with ivies enwrapped around the heart, peacefully touching senses with vivid grace,"

    it looks much better as that. and makes the flow better.


    "Verdant magic within single kiss"
    change it to
    "Verdant magic within a single kiss"

    i think it sounds much better.
    other than that, i enjoyed this!

  • 17 years ago

    by Zer0riginZ

    I LOVED it! Masterfully worded, this, was a pool of radiant imagery for me. I love it when things aren't simply layed down in word but layed out almost like in a picture.

    I think I'll also mention I have a hting for the word Zephyr, I name my ugitar Zephyr and I think maybe name ak id Zephyr, its a sexy word okay? hahaha =] Anyways. Thats a definite 5 from me, keep up the good work, you inspire dear.

  • 17 years ago

    by Anaisthitos

    This is one of my favorite poems I've read recently on P&Q. The wording was beautiful and well thought out. Once again, painted pictures. My favorite line was

    "caressing soul with secrets concealed;"

    The poem had a deep, beautiful feel to it. Keep writing! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Beautiful Chaos

    I really love your style, it reminds me of the 60's, Jim Morrison, you have an eloquent way with words that draws me in and creates the story in my mind, I am definetely going to have to add you to my favorites.

  • 17 years ago

    by debbylyn

    "Fingertips plunged into the pupils of green,
    with ivies enwrapped around the heart, peacefully
    touching senses with vivid grace,
    embracing teary sunsets of raw emotions. "

    ^ I can imagine myself wrapped in the glorious greenery of Spring! How it makes the heart sing! the "ivies
    enwrapped around the heart, peacefully" and "teary sunsets" insertions.....

    Beautiful word choices....glorious it makes me long for Springtime!

  • 16 years ago

    by Chris

    Awesome poem! I really liked this one. 5/5

  • 16 years ago


    Again, I'm glad I came here. It's a pity how finding such poetry here is like sifting for gold; backbreaking, exhausting, and generally fruitless.
    But when you find something this good, it makes every other failure in searching worthwhile.
    5/5, just fantastic.

  • 16 years ago

    by Katie

    Very beautiful. As always, I'm in awe over this one. You're are truly talented. Amazing work.

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    Flawless and beautiful are the two words that come into mind after reading this piece. Truly exceptional piece of poetry that lets me take a peak into your mind. Brillant. I enjoyed the choice of words here because they were different from the ones I encountered in your other pieces. This was light, fresh, tranquil and not as dark. You wrote this flawlessly as well as your dark pieces. Another amazing gift you have is that youre so versatile. You can write about anything and it will be excellent.

    I truly did enjoy reading your work and am adding you to my favorites so I could look out for new ones by you. Thank you so much for the comment it truly means a lot.

    Well done *5/5*

  • 16 years ago

    by GretaInsideOut

    Hey, interesting poem, I loved the words that sculpted such beautiful imagery. Kepp writing, Greta xx

  • 16 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I am speechless, you really took my breath away in this poem. Your imagery amazed me and your usage of words was outstanding! You should keep writing nature poems like this one, because you have so beautiful descriptons and they always turn out to be so great. Keep writing, always and forever....