Assassin (Second Mission)

by JEFF   Feb 19, 2008


Standing in the courtyard,
Among a crowd of people.
An eagle takes flight,
From a nearby church steeple.


Four hangings taking place,
At the short end of their ropes.
High priest giving praise,
As the four souls look for hope.


I approach the gallows slowly,
Not to raise any suspicion.
My face covered with long robed hood,
As to hide my true intention.


My target is the head general,
A gentleman who the town fears.
By the chief magistrates request,
His leadership role must disappear.


I must be quick to lay down his life,
For if he knows my plans or spots me.
He might pull a self-immolation,
Or possibly run away where I can't see.


So I wait for just the right time,
As he moves close to me not knowing.
My blade is lunged through his chest,
Light in his eyes is no longer showing.

Vanishing point:

By the time his face touches the ground,
I've moved far enough away through the crowd.
People confused on what has just happened,
Revealing who's the killer can not be allowed.

For this is the job of an Assassin.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Misty

    Amazing! very creative and unique. now i want to be an assassin