I'm Sorry...I Just Miss You

by Nonna   Feb 19, 2008

I'm sorry I'm so confusing
i just have some feelings that need to get out
I'm sorry i just miss you
it's what this is all about

I'm sorry sometimes i feel lost
I'm just so empty inside
I'm sorry sometimes i try to be funny
but my fears i always fail to hide

I'm sorry your departure broke me
this is a thing i never wanted to confess
I'm sorry but it's the things you do
which let me think that now you love me less

I'm sorry sometimes i make up problems
sometimes i over react
I'm sorry but you are so far away now
and i just can't accept this fact

I'm sorry sometimes I'm not sure
how long would you like me for
I'm sorry whenever i try to get closer
you just go further a little bit more

I'm sorry sometimes i misunderstand you
sometimes i feel like you don't give a damn
I'm sorry but you quit doing these simple little things
which reminds me always how special to you i am

I'm sorry i loved you so much
to a point i should have never reach
I'm sorry it's not that i regret loving you
being the most important thing in your life is what i beseech

I'm sorry you occupies my thoughts all the time
your love reached the core of my heart somehow
I'm sorry you are the reason why i feel empty
come,take a look on my life without you now

I'm sorry sometimes it seems like i don't care that much
but the truth is i do
I'm sorry i don't have many important things in my life
not as busy as you

I'm sorry sometimes i drive you mad
sometimes i bring things from the past
I'm sorry sometimes i feel it will not make a difference
to you,if we did or didn't last

I'm sorry I'm not that perfect
I'm not at all what you wish me to be
I'm sorry for the way i became
but someday,somehow,i will be just the real me


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  • 16 years ago

    by LoveTear

    U deserve 5/5 Congratulation !

  • 16 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    Wow, you are amazing. this poems has lots of strong,deep and true feelings. so passionate and wonderful poem. i can sense and feel your love through each line

    wow, never read something good like this one for while

    to my favorite poems

  • 17 years ago

    by hadia

    Don't be sorry..

    i love this poem!

  • 17 years ago

    by Nikkicola

    Wow Can I say this is just how I feel About the one I love. It seems like he just doesn't get it. If only he would read this then maybe it would sum everything up. Great I loved this poem...5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by noha

    U r so great i love ur write and u have true love i can feel it