by rachelle   Feb 19, 2008

THere WaS tHIs NErDy gIrL && She Ask oUt tHis bOy && jUSt for jOKes HE saId i WiLl tHInk bOUt iT && She sAiD bAbY i wiLl WAiT!

A YEAr lAtEr tHIs gIRl WAs BEAutIFuL noW

And HaD a BoYfrIEnd tHAt LoVEd HEr oNE daY tHE bOy she Ask ouT lAst YEAr SAid HE BAbe i DecIded tO say YEs tHe gIrl lAughEd ANd waLK AwAy tHE bOy yoU saId yOU woUlD Wait && in ReplYed bUT nOT foRevER!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Manda

    HAha i like this is so cute...