Half-Priced Heart

by dandy   Feb 20, 2008

And there it sat upon the shelf
of a lonely, longing mind.
A heart was hidden among the clutter,
Sitting there for someone to find.

Every other heart was being taken
As the days passed by so slow.
The lonely heart would be all by herself,
So small, nobody would know.

In the back corner the little heart sat
convinced that for anyone she'd never suffice.
Her sorrows were confirmed late on night
when she was placed on a shelf marked "half-priced."

"That's it" she thought, "No one wants me,
I have no other place to go."
Just then a handsome face peered over her own,
And with gentle hands, picked her up just so.

Before carrying her out he put down some bills,
The bigger hearts thinking it strange.
With her in the pocket of his coat closest to his heart
he walked out and said "Keep the change."

She knew she was loved, she knew she was home,
She knew that they would never part.
For who else but her true love,
would pay full price on a half-priced heart?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Scaito

    ...anndd....I don't think you have a half-priced heart...love you!

  • 17 years ago

    by Scaito

    Love you gorgeous, thanks for the original

  • 17 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    It is obvious that your words provide the nutrients for a poets pen like the sky provides the blue for the clouds. . I enjoyed your poem and the thoughts that came to visit the page before me. Keep up the good writes I look forward to reading more of your works. Peace.

  • 17 years ago

    by Orion

    Nice poem kiddo ^^
    Yeah, I actually checked back here.