The obvious Answer

by anthony   Feb 20, 2008

Six days after she told me she didn't want me She sends me a Im saying baby I love you, I was happy to hear those words, I wanted to say I love you back, but I didn't
She kept saying she loves me I ask her to stop,she says it even more I told her can I ask you a question
My question was are you happy without me and do you regret breaking up with me? she said I hang out with my friends more,I asked the question again
Are you happy without me,she didn't answer and signed off, I cant belive she
Couldent even tell me the truth
I guess I got my answer..
I thought you said you would never be happy without me in your life...
I wonder what happend......
Lets see if your friends will be their at when you need them most..... -A.Moreira


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  • 16 years ago

    by Cliche Fairytale Ending


  • 17 years ago

    by Hollywood

    I liked it but it could be better like maybe space it out a little bit more..make it more interesting...i want to be able to picture the conversation..i want to be able to get the chills going down my spine..and i want the goosebumps