
by NicoleBaby101   Feb 21, 2008

I'm proud to be how I am; to be bisexual.
I'm proud to like girls and boys.

I know most people think people like me are weird and crazy and rather us jump into a hole and die, and though people also don't know that we can be extremely awesome people who care about our friends and family like any other person.

A lot of people shun us away from society and give us dirty looks, mothers and fathers hide there children from sight when i walk by with my girlfriend

But you know what I get through all the pain and sadness that people cause, because of friends and family. They love me for how I am and for what I am.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Steven

    I love how you started this poem, nobody shouldn't be a-shamed for who they are, nobody, this poem was really good.

  • 17 years ago

    by Lauren

    Honestly no one should be a shamed for who we are. We have to prond of what we have and what makes us, us. If people just judge you in a way, they ain't worth shit.

  • 17 years ago

    by Pink Romance

    This explains aloot. hun, but ur whole fam treate u normally right now cus they don't kno ur that way, to be honest they are gonna love u jus the same as ur straight bother or sister. and yeah ur right about the children's they can be pointed in the rong direction sometimes,

    ur a wondeerful person, but personally I see u shortly differently.

    I like this poem nice I will give u 5/5 simply because u stated ur orientation and proud of it, all u have to do is show this poem to ur love 1s and tjeyll understand, I bet. = ]
    goooood. xoxoxo

    love courtney aka Brok3n Insid3

  • 17 years ago

    by Jeanne

    You are like a reflection of me gurl, Bi pride all the wayy. I hate the looks and comments i get from people, but you know what, fxck them!! we have people who are twice as good in our life, (family and friends) that would never judge us like them :)

    thanks for writing this lovely-ness,
    xo Jeanne.

  • 17 years ago

    by Mike Martin

    This is very well said. I think ur amazing. No, I don't thnk ur wierd or are you...pretty simple in my book....Great job!!!!....xoxoxo

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