Bleeding Your Love....

by amber   Feb 21, 2008

Im tired of your blasphemy
My love just isnt enough,
So you treat me like you always do
I keep bleeding your love

Youre words are the blade in hand
Which cut this tattered skin
Youre hatred is my encouragement
All the rage held within

Youre smile is the spark of evil
Which ignites all this pain
Youre laugh is like the psychos
Whos life you make insane.

**Youre touch is like the white coals
That simmer in a grill
They scald and burn and melt away
All the love that I might feel.**

Youre eyes are like the devils
Evil to the socket
All acts of compassion
With others, you must have lost them.

Youre tongue is like a serpent
Poisonous to the touch
And yet you pull me back
Like you havent had enough.

Youre temper is like a bomb to me
Cut the wrong wire and Im dead.
But being dead would relieve me
Of this twisted ness in your head.

Youre voice is like a murderer
No remorse nor have they sorrow
I wake up every morning praying
That God will take tomorrow

Strength and courage you have torn from me
My freedom is ripped away
And out of a love that I have all but kept,
Against my will, I stay.

In hopes that you will one day die
And I will be there to see
The death of a murderer, that pain three fold
And what youve done to me

Perhaps I may cry a little
Perhaps it will be relief
To know that you are gone for ever
And can no longer abandon me

For the greatest abandonment I ever knew
Was the loss of love that I felt
But the greatest joy Ill ever feel
Is when I know youve left.

And once the world becomes a little warmer
And the sun may shine again
Maybe the old me will come out once more
And find the courage to stand.

Place upon me the greatest punishment
That the world could ever give
And that will be nothing to the hell
In which I had to live.

Place upon me the greatest agony
You could conjure up
And that will not be close to the pain I felt
Of loosing my heart to sick love.

So place upon me the missing piece
To a heart the I once owned.
Give it back to its rightful owner
For in my chest, it belongs.

Allow me to feel the peace
And pleasure Im sure Ive never seen
Allow me to once again,
Have the beautiful dreams.

For I am but a meek woman,
Whos ways are slowly turning
And Im gradually learning to respect me
My trust, again Im earning.

Make believe stories and miscellaneous lies
About an abused and tattered wife
But that was before I found myself
And before I brought me to life.

This was written for all the women of my family. EVERY SINGLE ONE HAS BEEN ABUSED. They all stood by and let it happen. Not me. I will not. This was written in remembrance for their old selves and written as a reminder to me. Please go easy on this. Comments and votes are welcome. I will gladly return the favor.
***this was my favorite line out of the whole poem. It symbolizes the hate these women feel everytime the man touches them. it's the hate and disgust i would feel if i ever let myself get in this situation***


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  • 17 years ago

    by Ixora

    "Youre tongue is like a serpent
    Poisonous to the touch
    And yet you pull me back
    Like you havent had enough."
    -love that

    & wow hun i cant believe it happened to everyone one in your family. thank you for your strength, women need to stand up see the power is in ourselves. you're a hero by writing this poem & i wish you the best. i love it...really.
